
Lonesome Cowboy

Song Click the notes to hear the song.


Cowboy lonesome cowboy,
do you know where you are?
Saddled up in darkness
have you rode your horse too far?
Consumed with sorrows, guilt and shame.
Riding so hard to escape the pain.
Cowboy can run but he cannot hide.
His past is gaining, the future has died.
Sipping on bitterness with anger and fear.
Somehow wishing the end was near.


Is there an end to this cowboy trail?
Will it lead him to heaven?
Will it lead him to hell?
Cowboy lonesome cowboy trail.
Could I be lost could I be found?
If I could change could I turn around?
Do you know which way I should go?
Can you tell me, does anyone know?


Is there an end to this cowboy trail?
Will it lead him to heaven?
Will it lead him to hell?
Cowboy lonesome cowboy trail.
Death and destruction are knocking at his door.
Please someone help
him he can't take it anymore.
Like all trials this trail has an end.
Will you end up in heaven
or die in your sin?

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